

Aviation Cybersecurity: Penetration Testing How it Works, What it Does and How it Can Help Secure Your Airport

Background There are many stories in the news these days regarding companies that were breached, customer data exposed, fines levied – it’s becoming a commonplace occurrence. Both large and small airports can be a target for cyber criminals. In fact, some types of cyber-crime such as Ransomware have become such Read More…

Aviation Cybersecurity: A Flight Path Through Today’s Turbulent Skies

The aviation industry, a testament of human ingenuity and technological progress, is increasingly reliant on interconnected digital systems and complex tools and instruments. These systems enable everything from in-flight entertainment to air traffic control, but they also open the door to a new breed of threat: cyberattacks. The potential fallout Read More…

The Pillars of Cyber Security

Information is a critical resource that requires the highest security in today’s increasingly competitive corporate world. Information security is critical to running a business and maintaining that sensitive data is never exposed. Information security is critical to your company’s survival. As a result, it must be protected against harmful assaults Read More…

Cyber Security Consulting is not about telling clients they are wrong!

Cyber security has been around for a while now however its meaning remains unclear. In fact, a taxonomy of cyber security would be very useful as terms and ideas are banded about without any clear definition. One thing does seem clear is that there is a perception that if you Read More…

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